Demonstration Garden

In August of 2014, local members of Lweza partnered with VHP in assisting with the construction of a Community Rural Agricultural Resource Demonstration Center (RARDC) in the village of Lweza.
Located within a community that relies primarily upon subsistence farming for nutrition, the RARDC functions as a venue through which modern and efficient agricultural methods can be taught and disseminated. By promoting low-cost and high-quality farm production, the RARDC aims to empower local farmers through improvements to their food and economic security throughout Lweza.
Ronald Nsimbe, project lead, has held demonstrations for members of the community, teaching them specific techniques for urban farming, such as sac gardening (pictured left).
Additionally, since a majority of those engaged in farming are women, RARDC activities will target this group along with unemployed youth. Sales of crops from the farm are sold to fund worker salaries of the RARDC. The ultimate goal is to have this venture fund for a small health center in Lweza.
In January 2025, we were able to collaborate with UW-Madison students to implement soybean sack gardens in Lweza to reduce protein deficiency -- particularly in children under five.